Local Area Chapter (LAC)
LAC Leader: Chris Dyer at [email protected]
CLICK HERE for ROSTER of all DEN LAC members, password protected, same as GE website password. Contact your LAC Leader for any needed updates to your contact information.
Breakfasts are held at Benedict's, on Arapahoe Road, just west of I-25. Meet up 0830-0900 until 1100. CLICK HERE for Menu, maps and reviews. Dates, wives or friends are invited.
February 12, 2025
April 9, 2025
June 11, 2025
August 13, 2025
October 8, 2025
December 10, 2025
ON COMPUTER or TABLET: You can click on each photo to make it bigger, then click on the < > symbols (or left or right arrow keys on keyboard) to scroll thru all of the photos as a slideshow.
ON PHONE: Best viewed in landscape, you can click on a photo, then use small thumbnails at bottom of screen to manually select the next photo.
December 11, 2024:
Spike Christensen, Frank Eby and Norm Edson, Lonnie Blilie, John Leahy, Bill Autrey and Jim Anstett, David Senn
October 9, 2024: The Denver LAC held its regular breakfast gathering at Benedict`s. Posted below is photo of some of the attendees.
June 8, 2016: The Denver LAC group assembled once again on June 8, 2016 at the Perfect Landing Restaurant, Centennial Airport. A great number of participants, 30, enjoyed the wonderful breakfast items, always on the menu. Two Great Lakes Airlines pilot recruiters joined the meeting, Jennifer McClelland and David Couch. Once the orders for meals were taken, Judy Scheppe provided an update on the delay for the Continental and United Airlines Heritage separate rooms at the United Training Center. At present, everything has been placed on hold until further notice.
The next very interesting presentation was by David Couch and Jennifer McClelland. Frontier Airlines has now connected with Great Lakes and Silver Airlines to develop a pipeline of new pilots to Frontier. Currently, the two small carriers are having a shortage of pilots. Modifications of seats on the EMB-120 and the BE-1900 has allowed these airplanes to be operated under FAR Part 135. In doing so, there is not a FAA mandatory age requirement for retirement. The carriers are recruiting retired airline pilots that have excellent experience and backgrounds to be captains on these aircraft. This provides very knowledgeable captains to give great training and development for very junior new hire pilots that have base hours for hiring. The first officers will have an opportunity to move to Frontier once they achieve the hours and knowledge to move to the bigger equipment. Both pilot recruiters from Great Lakes did an excellent job in presentation, answering questions, and promoting wonderful discussion amongst the retired pilot group.
The next meeting for the LAC will be in August, date TBD. The August get together will be at a venue other that the Perfect Landing. The August meeting is more or less a picnic sort of get together. Ideas as to where and what type of function are still open for discussion. Ideas are appreciated.
Great Lakes Airlines Contacts:
Jennifer McClelland [email protected]
David L. Couch [email protected]
(no photos)
August 12, 2015: The Denver area group united at the Blue Spruce Brewery to enjoy fellowship, food and the brews. We had good participation with 23 persons. The Blue Spruce Brewery is a local family owned brewery and provided excellent food, beverages, and service. The event started at 3 PM and lasted up until 6 PM. In August each year, we choose to have the get together at some place other than our breakfast events at the Perfect Landing. This was the first visit to the Blue Spruce. Prior locations after discontinuing the picnics, were the Emerald Isle and the Wings Over The Rockies. There were a couple of still active crew-members at this event. Based on the comments, it appears everyone enjoyed the event and location. October 14, we will be back to the breakfast. Below are some photos of the occasion:
June 10, 2015: We had about 35 members show up!