This information is years old, and although most of it is valid, United may have changed things. You REALLY need to go to the United Flying Together site: https://ft.ual.com and then click on the TRAVEL tab for ALL the up to date travel related topics. Advise us you if find any discrepancies. If you still can not find your travel answer, contact the United Employee Travel Center at this email address: [email protected] OR go to the United "HELP HUB" (login to United Flying Together, click "EMPLOYEE SERVICES", click "HELP HUB", then click the "Travel" button, go to bottom of that page to start a "CHAT" to get your answer.
Please try to research your questions, BUT if all efforts to resolve pass travel questions with the TRAVEL sections on the United and Golden Eagles websites are unsuccessful, we will try to help the member find a way to get an answer to their questions. When all else fails, members can contact the Email Coordinator, Dave Newell at [email protected], OR the Pass Travel Chairman, Jim Morehead at [email protected].
UNITED now has new capabilities to their United mobile app for smartphones:
United app now works for employee pass travel
Have you ever wished you could use our award-winning mobile app to manage your pass travel? Now you may link your u-ID to your MileagePlus number, making it possible to use the app without having to manually enter your PNR.
Simply go to employeeRes > Quick Links > Employee Profile and add your MileagePlus number to your profile.
Once that’s done, all your trips—including buddy, myUAdiscount, standby and company business bookings—will appear in the United App. You’ll be able to use the app to
- Book employee/retiree travel
- view your boarding passes and flight status
- view the seat map and assign/change seats for positive-space travel
- view your position on the standby/upgrade lists and
- view passenger boarding totals
- check in
pass— no need to show additional credentials.
Linking your MileagePlus ID with your United ID account, click here, or go to the Flying Together website, Travel Section, Travel Column, United App and Pass Travel.
UAL “Flying Together” Website Login Notes:
The following notes cover some issues that we face logging into our United Airlines “Flying Together” website (where most of us go for primarily our non-rev travel needs). It seems that the issues are constantly changing, along with the “fixes” for those issues……so stay tuned for future updates. The following sections, explain a few of the issues at hand:
This is the page where you enter your employee ID and your Password.
You can GET to this page by going to the following link:
HINT: you want to “bookmark” or save to your “favorites” this exact link. The problem is, once you do get to the login in page, the actual URL link at the top of the browser will probably change to some cryptic different link….and if you “bookmark” that, then that is no good! You may need to go to your bookmark or favorites editor, and make sure the link is saved exactly as shown above!
To obtain your United ID number login to the United page (Flying Together), and where it says “Welcome {your name}”, place your mouse cursor over that text, and in a moment, up will pop up what your new United ID is. It will start with the letter “u” and then six numbers (like u123456). Write this down…..that is your new United ID number forever! Without it, you will soon not be able to login. Your old CAL number is history.
The next time you login to the United site, and enter your new United ID, you are probably going to find out that you will need to get a new password to get in.
To reset your password, call the Service Desk at (800) 255-5801. You will not need to talk to a human. Wait (after a short pause) for the “menu” items to start. Go thru the prompts to RESET PASSWORD (you will press “1” three times after each announcement when prompted...be patient, it takes a little time to get to each prompt message). They will ask for you to say your new United ID number (say “u123456” or whatever). Then it will ask for the last four digits of your SS#. Then it will give you a temporary password to get in. Write this down!
Now, go login to the United site, with your new United ID, and put in your temporary password. You may be prompted to fill out some security questions, and also to “update” your password. After you do this, I would recommend logging out, then log back in, to test your new updated password.
If you are still having problems, call back to the Service Desk (see below), and talk to a human.
On another subject, you need to login at least every 90 days, or your account will be suspended, and you will have to start all over! I try to login once a month, to make sure that does not happen, AND to make sure I can get in. I don’t want any surprises the next time I need to non rev.
Also, make sure that your saved bookmarks or favorites to get into the United login page is EXACTLY written as: https://flyingtogether.ual.com
If you simply login to this page, and then “save" your favorite/bookmark, the link will be different, and you may have problems getting in later! Make sure it is written exactly as shown above (you may have to “edit” the favorite/bookmark link).
If all else fails, you can call and talk to an actual human at the United Service desk at
(800) 255-5801 24 HOURS A DAY, 7 DAYS A WEEK.