Email Notification Program
EMAIL COORDINATOR: Dave Newell [email protected]
The email notification policy is being presented here since it is not published in an easily accessible form elsewhere as a reference for members and because new members may not be familiar with the policy.
The email notifications will be sent by the Email Liaison, a volunteer officer of the Golden Eagles, and are intended to advise our members in good standing of the death, serious illness or injury of Golden Eagles members or their immediate family. This information is also provided for non-member former Continental pilots if the information is received from a Golden Eagles member, but information regarding their family members is not normally provided. Those who notify us of the passing of one of our members are encouraged to provide a copy of the obituary and a photo of the deceased if available. Email tributes to a deceased Golden Eagles member are shared with our members when submitted by a Golden Eagles member. Obviously good taste and wording that is respectful of the surviving family members is appreciated when submitting these tributes.
At the direction of our Executive Committee notices are also sent to our members via email regarding important issues such as pass travel information, insurance matters, notice of the publication of the Golden Contrails magazine and membership roster with the current password, and other communication regarding administrative and other issues within the Golden Eagles.
The Golden Eagles bylaws do not permit the organization to support any commercial enterprise, therefore requests to notify our members of any commercial offerings must be declined; however, certain commercial offerings dealing with the vacation travel industry are occasionally submitted by Golden Eagles members that appear to be of definite potential benefit to our members. These discounted offers which are only made available to our members and are of a limited nature are an exception to the restriction on presenting commercial offers contained in our bylaws. Notice of these offers will be made via the email notification system and posted on the Golden Eagles website in the Promotions and Offers section under the Travel heading.
Monthly update emails will be sent to all members in good standing containing important reminders and items needing special emphasis.
Emails sent to the Golden Eagles via the Email Liaison will be 1) answered by the Email Liaison if possible via return email 2) forwarded to the appropriate Golden Eagles Officer or other resource for response, or 3) replied to with recommended contact information for the resource that can provide the information requested.
It is important to remember that in order to continue to receive communications from the Golden Eagles and to keep their data in the member roster accurate, members must provide notice of any change in their email address and other contact information. Forms for this purpose are contained on the Golden Eagles website under the Membership heading. You can go there now at UPDATE ROSTER FORM.